Made them. And whilst they look okay, they taste BLEUGH!! Reason being was I didn't roast the nuts. But I didn't PLAN on using nuts. I only used them because the white chocolate stuck to the pan when you crank them off the plate. Hence they were a last minute adjustment. Recipe I used was one using Golden Oreos. But this is the UK so we didn't have those. So I used ginger nuts and digestives. But they tasted blah so I added loads of lemon curd.... so in the end I don't think it's even worth linking the recipe! Recipe I would follow (if I was sane) looks like this. Lemon Cheesecake Truffles 200g soft cheese Half the smallest pack of digestives Half a pack of ginger nuts (whatever was left over from the cheesecake!) Half a pack of white chocolate cake covering (Dr Oetekars? is about 300g in total) Bag of chopped mixed nuts. 3 large table spoonfuls of Lemon curd. 1. Bash the biscuits. 2. Mix in the soft cheese and lemon curd. 3. Roast the nuts. 4. Melt the chocolate in...