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Showing posts from January, 2011

Chocolate and almond marble cake

Yes I bought another bundt tin. It was on sale!! Okay I suppose Selfridges puts them on sale every year but still. I think if I get the Bavaria tin which is used mainly for the Tunnel of Fudge cake, I will be happy and complete. Just as well they don't sell them in the UK that frequently, and by frequently I mean in a place other than the internet. Today's cake comes from the book Bundt cookbook by Nordic Bakeware. By book, it's more of a pamphlet with some very random recipes in. Unfortunately a lot using mixes, but bizarrely lots of gelatin moulds. Moulded salmon anyone? In a ten-cup mould no less. Anyway, the recipe I used was the Orange/Chocolate Marble cake, but as we didn't have any orange extract I used almond. Things you should also know was that I screwed up reading the recipe and forgot to dissolve the cocoa in water before I added it to the mix, which was why I was mixing it thinking, why did I whip egg whites if it ends up as this stupidly stiff mixture?? ...