I'll post the On recipe (french) at some point but my current go to will be the following from Bravetart . Read her post first. What I actually absorb from it is as below. I think at this point I'm going to say it's all technique and less about the recipe. On my oven (and my oven alone) I have it on the middle shelf at Gas Mark 4. Bravetart lists it as 300 degrees F I use a normal metal baking tray of a reasonable thickness. It's old and probably slightly warped. There's nothing special and I don't put two trays down. When I cook using the new, thicker and flatter brownie tin to cook some of them on, that works as well. I cook on baking parchment because that's what I use. I have a sil-pat which I would use but I still haven't cut it to the right size. Good luck! 4 ounces (115g) ground almonds 8 ounces (230g) icing sugar 5 ounces egg whites (144g) (I used fresh in the picture, I've used aged and microwaved before) 2 1/2 ounce (72g) ca...