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Showing posts from January, 2013

Macaron recipe (current favourite)

I'll post the On recipe (french) at some point but my current go to will be the following from Bravetart . Read her post first. What I actually absorb from it is as below. I think at this point I'm going to say it's all technique and less about the recipe. On my oven (and my oven alone) I have it on the middle shelf at Gas Mark 4. Bravetart lists it as 300 degrees F I use a normal metal baking tray of a reasonable thickness. It's old and probably slightly warped. There's nothing special and I don't put two trays down. When I cook using the new, thicker and flatter brownie tin to cook some of them on, that works as well. I cook on baking parchment because that's what I use. I have a sil-pat which I would use but I still haven't cut it to the right size. Good luck! 4 ounces (115g) ground almonds 8 ounces (230g) icing sugar 5 ounces egg whites (144g) (I used fresh in the picture, I've used aged and microwaved before) 2 1/2 ounce (72g) ca...

Macaron and Ganache: Fix and Fix Again

So I admit it, I've been a little bit loony tunes on the whole macaron front recently because, well finally if I get this right, I don't have to keep paying Herme and Laduree for theirs, albeit the once in a blue moon foie gras number isn't too bad (seriously, in a macaron. Not bad.) If you go back enough, I've had a go a few times over the years, but not tried consistently starting from the very beginning with the Roux brothers recipe. Anyway I went to a Groupon course taught by On Bakery . We took the basic and advanced class which goes through the french meringue method and the swiss meringue method (I also took the choux class which is another story).  The first thing you should probably know is that the teacher Loretta Liu is a bit loony tunes. Not an insult by any means. Normality is overrated. She is Singaporean and those traits are really, really present. Her english is fine, there is no "la"s at the end of sentences like in university and a...