Second baking session of the day - using up the cranberries. As a result, I have an entire tray of brownies to eat on my own because no one eats cranberries! Ai.
First of all, the recipe calls for dried cranberries. Let me make that clear. I knew therefore at the outset there was a bat's chance in hell that the brownies I made would actually set, being that I used frozen berries defrosted. Other than that, recipe wise it was pretty decent. Used cocoa rather than dark chocolate which made it a darn sight cheaper than usual. Definitely fudgy since it won't set. I would like to try it with dried berries one day, to see if it will set, but since I whacked it in for another half an hour with the frozen berries, I have my doubts. Otherwise, it's a nice, moist, tangy chocolate pudding. Served warm with vanilla I think it'd go down a treat.
Cranberry Brownies
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup oil
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup flour (probably add some more if you wanted it to set)
1/2 cup cocoa
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 cup dried cranberries
1. Blend dry ingredients into the wet.
2. Spread in a greased pan and bake for 25 minutes at Gas Mark 5.
First of all, the recipe calls for dried cranberries. Let me make that clear. I knew therefore at the outset there was a bat's chance in hell that the brownies I made would actually set, being that I used frozen berries defrosted. Other than that, recipe wise it was pretty decent. Used cocoa rather than dark chocolate which made it a darn sight cheaper than usual. Definitely fudgy since it won't set. I would like to try it with dried berries one day, to see if it will set, but since I whacked it in for another half an hour with the frozen berries, I have my doubts. Otherwise, it's a nice, moist, tangy chocolate pudding. Served warm with vanilla I think it'd go down a treat.
Cranberry Brownies
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup oil
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup flour (probably add some more if you wanted it to set)
1/2 cup cocoa
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 cup dried cranberries
1. Blend dry ingredients into the wet.
2. Spread in a greased pan and bake for 25 minutes at Gas Mark 5.