The recipe is here, but I made a few changes. One, I added a tablespoon of lemon juice because I didn't read it before I chucked it in (and I cba to drain it off either). Two, there's no sanding sugar because I don't own any. Three, I added a slug of vanilla to the mix because I could. All in all, a very nice cookie, especially fresh from the oven. But after that I think it lacks a certain punch, even with the lemon juice. Maybe I should have considered adding black pepper or balsamic? Those tend to add some tang to the mix, however even as is, I reckon these are going to be well received although I might have some difficulty transporting them as they are distinctly floppy with strawberries unless I toast them crisp.
I also made some mini-muffins from the mix (no difference, just in the cases). This was because I couldn't be bothered to use another baking sheet and just plonked them in. Very cute and because they're small, they'll get eaten. Dangerous!
Great work!!!